
Our Christmas Appeal

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Dr David, Anyomi & Droku outside Aru Cité Hospital

This Christmas we’re raising funds to buy equipment and supplies for the hospitals we support to better diagnose people with acute and chronic disease.  This includes people with acute injuries from violence or road accidents, and for people with chronic non communicable diseases (NCDs). Donate here.

What your money will buy:

£30 will buy one glucometer (blood sugar testing machine) to test people with Diabetes with

£40 will buy a blood pressure machine

£10 will buy 100 testing strips for the blood sugar testing machine

£5 will buy a peak flow meter for testing someone with asthma or chronic obstructive airways disease.

This follows on a brilliant virtual chronic disease training that the expert Primary Care International team organised for many of the Congolese doctors and nurses we support. We also want to equip hospitals with lab testing equipment to better diagnose these conditions.  One biochemistry machine costs £800, and one haematology machine costs £800.

The lab team in Mahagi hospital do all tests manually, greatly reducing the tests that are available to clinicians

We also have the bigger ambition to equip one hospital with a digital x-ray machine. None of our hospitals have x-ray, which is desperately needed for diagnosing fractures, and looking for chest infections and chronic conditions.  This costs £15,000 including the special laptop (Panasonic Toughbook) on which the x-rays are recorded and visualised (rather than needing film and development). Our friends Medaid supply the complete unit, designed for challenging environments, and can organise shipping to DRC.

This forms part of a larger appeal that we are running over the next 3 years, called our Quality Outcomes Project (QOP22-24). This will help 8 hospitals run by the Service Médical in eastern DRC strive to obtain the best outcomes for patients by driving the highest standards of clinical and surgical care. More about this in the New Year!

New lab at St Matthieu Hospital, Bukavu, built entirely by the team with local resources.

To support this appeal either go to our support page or donate here.