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Lightning strike….

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Kamango Hospital is in the Semiliki river valley, below the great Ruwenzori mountains, the ‘mountains of the moon’. The local geology and weather patterns means that this part of central Africa has some of the highest rates of lightning strikes globally.

Semiliki river near Kamango, here forming the border between DRC and Uganda.

Despite the hospital having a lightning conductor, the operating theatre was stuck by lightning at the end of July. Very fortunately it happened in the middle of a night when there no emergency cases so no one was hurt, but most of the equipment was destroyed and the inside of the theatre blackened.

Operating theatre, Kamango Hospital in 2017. It had been better equipped since then.
Operating theatre, blackened inside after the ligthning strike
Outside of the operating theatre, showing

We are sending a small amount of money to rehabilitate inside, but want to urgently raise funds to replace the destroyed operating equipment.

Give directly via our bank account, or donate here.

Fortunately the biochemistry machine bought last year with Semiliki funds and other equipment in the laboratory were unaffected. These are protected by voltage stabilisers, but these are unlikely to resist direct lightning strikes.

Spectrophotometer for biochemistry analysis bought in 2023 with Semiliki funds

Meanwhile, the new laboratory building supported by Semiliki is progressing well, with walls rapidly going up on the foundations.

Construction of laboratory, Kamango hospital