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Land for Orphans

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In July 2013, with the generous donation of a Semiliki supporter, we were able to help the Compassion Orphanage in Butembo buy land to grow food and fire wood to help feed the children.

Mbambu and Kasereka (in the photo above) who run the orphanage found a place about 40 minutes drive in the surrounding villages. There were 10 plots of land together. The Semiliki money initially bought 4 plots; the local chief gave 2 plots and another chief gave 1 plot. A generous local family gave money for another plot – so the orphanage now has part of a hillside!

They have planted potatoes and sweet potatoes and beans. They plan to keep pigs and goats, and plant trees to give them fire wood and building sticks.We recently gave money to build a hut to keep animals in, with a room for a farmer to keep a watch on the animals. A small stream at the bottom can be channelled into potential fish ponds.

Mbambu and Kasereka have rarely known where the next meal will come from for the children, and some nights the orphans have gone hungry. Now they will have seasonable fresh food to add to what is bought from donations by Semiliki and other supporters of the orphanage. The orphans will also get the chance sometimes to get help out on weekends and learn valuable farming skills.

Orphans weeding in the field

The orphans were thrilled to see the land and realise that it belongs to them. And even weeding can be turned into a game….

In May 2014 we sent out money to buy the remaining 2 plots of land (valued at $800) and in helping them to pay for the Land Title Deeds, without which they will have no legal status on the hillside.

We have had some extra generous gifts to cover this as well as being able to send the regular support of $700 which helps towards costs of food, fuel and other support functions.