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Building up!

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Drs Moïse and Kambere standing on top of the new diagnostic centre. The new operating theatre is being built here.

The team of Masiki Hospital in Butembo are joining in the building bonanza by building a new operating theatre. For our summer appeal we would like to raise £15,000 to support putting the roof on and getting the building finished.

The current operating theatre is a room in a block of the hospital built 35 years ago in the original health centre. Semiliki recently equipped the new diagnostic centre at Masiki with a biochemistry machine and xray. The new operating theatre is being built above the diagnostic centre and the meeting room (that was named in honour of Semiliki Trust).

The Diagnostic Centre at Masiki Hospital that houses the new xray and biochemistry machines given by Semiliki.

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The new operating theatre being build above the diagnostic centre
The operating theatre is also being built up on top of the Meeting Room that was named in honour of Semiliki Trust
Building progressing well on the new operating theatre

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