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Building bonanza!

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So many of our partners, assisted by your regular support, are busy improving the quality of their buildings in their hospitals, and with the help of a generous grant from ECHO we are supporting St Matthieu Hospital in Bukavu rebuild the maternity unit. The old one was 20 years old and built on a small budget at the time, and was overcrowded, and had been poorly extended right up to a wall that held in a muddy bank and was very damp and unsafe:

Old maternity block at St Matthieu Hospital
The old maternity block at St Matthieu Hospital, Bukavu

The hope is that the new building will look more like this (notice the retaining wall that is needed to the left):

Construction underway of St Matthieu maternity

And in Bunia at Kindia Health Centre your support of Semiliki has enable us to finance the construction of a new dental unit and an open sided room for vaccination and health promotion

New dental block at Kindia health centre
The vaccination and health promotion clinic space at Kindia health centre

The current space is so overcrowded the new units will also help reduce overcrowding at the current reception area.

Patients waiting outside the consultation rooms at Kindia Health Centre

In Kamango, Junior Ngozi and team have decided the use the regular tranche we send to build a new laboratory for Kamango hospital. The hospital is close to the Semiliki river which forms the border with Uganda but the region has been very dangerous, with regular attacks by rebels and the community have spent much of the past 3 years displaced in Uganda. So it is good to see them back and building for the future.

The team of Kamango hospital with Bishop Sabiti blessing the foundations of the new laboratory
The finished foundations of the new laboratory
Coordinator for Kamango region, Dr Junior Ngozi – we’ll have to place an order with them for some of those T-shirts!
This video from Aru Cité Hospital shows how they’ve smartened up their lab with tiles with their last tranche, and are also rehabilitating the maternity at Ekanga health centre
Semiliki financed the roofing sheets of this block at the Mgr Cyrille Health Centre in Beni

Thanks to all our regular supporters for enabling us to helping so many building projects. Next time we’ll update you on our appeal to build a new operating theatre at Masiki Hospital, Butembo.