
Cutting the ribbon at St Matthieu!

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There was much to celebrate at the St Matthieu operating theatre official opening ceremony at the beginning this month. The Chaplain of protestant hospitals in Bukavu attended the event and commented on the significance of the clinic in providing high standard care at low cost to a very poor community.

CMS Australia Mission Partner Prue Boyd felt that it was a great occasion. “Semiliki Trust are to be congratulated. Building the block has been a lot of work and very frustrating at times I’m sure, but the results are evident and we pray the clinic will continue to provide a great service to the people”.

Dr Denise, hospital director, giving her opening speech.

Thank you again to all our supporters for making the operating theatre at St Matthieu a reality. The building with its equipment has drastically improved the facilities at the Hospital Centre. Previously, emergency cesarians were conducted in a broom cupboard sized room with no electricity or running water. Dr Denise writes, “Conditions are now much better, and are attracting many more patients with the reassurance of high quality surgery. The surgical team are able to work safely with sufficient light, and with oxygen and monitoring equipment, and anaesthetic equipment available. The room is also large allowing everyone to move around comfortably. Stress has been greatly reduced, enabling us to conduct operations without fear.” 56 major operations were conducted at the centre in its first six weeks.

Staff and patients watch the proceedings

Admiring the new operating table, the biggest item of kit supplied by Medaid.

Bishop Bahati, Dr Denise, Dr George, nursing director John, staff and health committee at the opening